001 Antora is used as Site Generator
date: 2024-06-23
status: accepted
Context and Problem Statement
To be more accessible, this repo should have a nice documentation like the original. Every Recipe should be documented, but there should also be How-Tos. The documentation of the single recipes should be structurally similar to the official recipe catalog. For that we need a static site generator, that can host our page on GitHub pages.
Decision Drivers
I don’t know much about frontend stuff, don’t want to invest time to learn
I don’t have much time for maintenance
I know AsciiDoc would like to use it again
Decision Outcome
Chosen option: "Use Antora", because it is something new but not too different from docToolchain.
Good, because I can generate Docs with a modern tool
Bad, because
of the recipes are in Markdown, need to be converted to AsciiDoc now. (see also madr/002_DisplayName_and_Description_are_given_in_Asciidoc.adoc) -
Bad, because customizing the UI will be difficult.
Pros and Cons of the Options
https://antora.org/ Git friendly, AsciiDoc based documentation framework.
{example | description | pointer to more information | …}
Good, because seems actively maintained
Good, because sleek appearance
Good, opportunity to learn something new
Bad, because unclear how much effort to get into it
Bad, because no dark mode[1]
http://doctoolchain.org/docToolchain/v2.0.x/index.html Generic framework that can convert all sorts of Artifacts (such as AsciiDoc files) to a Microsite or other destinations (Confluence, Word, …)
Good, because I already know it
Good, because matured, feature complete
Good, because I don’t need to learn JavaScript
Bad, because no dark mode either
Bad, because does not seem actively maintained (still new releases, but many open issues)
Bad, because uses old tech stack
default UI (docsy) looks a bit old
based on JBake (last release 2021-05-15, Release candidate out for over a year…)
customization possible with Groovy, better than learning JavaScript but not 'hip' either.
What OpenRewrite uses
I haven’t looked to deep into what they are using. It seems to be a custom solution (actually based on GitBook).
Good, because nice opportunity to get familiar with GitBook
Bad, because it may give the false impression that I am affiliated with them or pretend to be.
Bad, because their solution does more than I need ("AI Search")
Bad, because probably tough to keep up maintaining my own fork of their docs.