Miscellaneous Notes


#cd path/to/repo
sed -i '0,/plugins/ s/^plugins {/plugins { id("application")/' build.gradle.kts
sed -i '0,/}/ s/^}/}\napplication { mainClass = "io.github.timoa.DocMain" }/' build.gradle.kts
export MY_PATH=$(pwd)
./gradlew :run
npx antora src/docs/config/antora-playbook.yml
firefox http://localhost:63342/rewrite-recipe-starter/src/docs/config/build/site/component-singleton/0/index.html

Recipe Wishlist

  • Recipe that converts class annotations to @Value.
    A bit more work since the recipe will need to remove final (and private?) modifiers.

  • Recipe that converts Bean style DTOs (noargs constructor, then setters) into immutable objects , i.e. builder call chain